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Squires Student Center

Squires Student Center
Squires Student Center, viewed from College and Otey Streets

Squires Student center consists of an inner core (the original Squires 大厅) and surrounding buildings added later. The facility contains two ballrooms, 有510个座位的剧院, a food court and dining areas, various activity rooms, 会议室, 艺术画廊, 休息室, music and theater production spaces, offices and practice rooms for the music department, and offices for student publications and Student Engagement and 全球十大赌博靠谱的平台.


John Houston Squires

The student center was named in 1949 for 1905 alumnus John Houston Squires, 谁捐了10美元,000 toward construction. A distinguished scientist, Squires had a brilliant career as a chemist with E.I. du Pont de Nemours, GM Corporation, and American Cyanamid. He also taught at a college and was instrumental in reorganizing and reopening a bank. A supporter of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, he designed the relief map that helped lead to its establishment.


The original Squires 大厅 was completed in May 1937 and contained 54,366 square feet. It was named in 1949 for John H. Squires. Civilian students had their dining hall in the building from September 1937 to September 1939. 

The original building was closed in 1966 for the first surrounding addition and renovation. Construction began in 1967. The new building reopened in 1969 but was not completed until winter 1970. It was renamed Squires Student Center and dedicated May 12, 1970. 

Another renovation completed in 1991.


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Abbreviation / Number:
松鼠/ 180
37.22962, -80.41796